Thursday 23 April 2009

Why it's difficult to say 'NO' to a pretty woman?

I start this with a question with a hope that may be someone notices this and answers me back. It is not often that you realize how vulnerable one is to beauty. But when you do that, questions like these clog your mind.

Last evening I got into a situation like this. I had to take a hair cut and it was my first one in Zurich, so I didn't knew much about the Hair salons here. I just got down on my way back at a busy tram station and looked around for a Salon. I found a pretty nice looking one, called 'Giddor'. So I walked into it.

I saw all around cushioned comfortable chairs, hair washers, shampoos, gels, etc. just like an Indian Salon. And then I saw something that was a bit different….pretty girls! All around the Salon there were no guys. The hair cuts were done exclusively by girls. Nice surprise!

I got a seat and a hair stylist. Luckily I got the one who was the prettiest to my eyes. If only I would have had such a pretty hair stylist in India, I would have never left the Salon. But jokes apart, she didn't understand English. God I hate when language kills a good chance!

So she called time to time a girl, who translated for us. She started with really specific questions like a hair cut with scissors or, machines, how many centimeters, wet or, dry cut, etc-etc. Then there was a stage where she had to decide upon the style. And here the magic of beauty worked. She just told me casually that I would look smarter if I would change my hair to a new style that she suggested. And I just couldn't say a 'No'. It was not that I wanted to say a 'No' but it was also not that I wanted to say a 'Yes'. But I didn't even thought a second to say a 'Yes'. I just said, whatever you feel good is great!

Come on now! Who would have said this to a hair stylist if he had been a guy! Probably just looking at her face while she was working was enough to make me dumb and docile. That's the hidden power a pretty woman has! It stops your thinking process. At least it did that to me.

Luckily the hair style really did look awesome after she was finished. But it is really funny because not until I reached home I actually cared how it was. But that doesn't change the question that I was just all dumb in front of her and that she could have suggested anything and I would have not been able to say a 'No'.

So the point is why is it so difficult to say a 'No'? I like the sound of the word, in fact I keep saying it most of the time. But No I could not even think to say that last evening. And the only reason was that I was in front of this pretty woman who looked divine and didn't even knew my language! That's weird and spooky. I really wish I knew what made me so dumb last evening as I am pretty sure of this to be an exact encore, when I go there the next time! ;-)

Wednesday 22 April 2009

The Zoo Syndrome

Last week I got a chance to visit the Zurich Zoo. The reason being, it vouched as one of the most exotic tourist and local attraction of the city. I would say it does justify the hoopla and reputation that it enjoys.

It was a fine Saturday morning with a warm Sun and a cool breeze. I reached the Zoo at sharp 10:30 am, just moments after the Rainforest is opened for the viewing. I must say I was not expecting the kind of crowd that I saw there. I believe it was the only place in Zurich where I saw more people than on streets, malls and trams. But may be it had to do with the awesome spring season that just marked its beginning after a harsh winter.

Anyways I got a ticket, which was an expensive one even by Swiss standards and got into the Zoo premises. I had received a map for directions but I guess it didn't help me much being in German.

It's amazing how even little things being in a language that you don't understand can make you so uncomfortable. I believe it is only now I realize how much of a social animal a human being is! You snatch away the ease of his communication and everything in his character just falls apart.

So searching with the diagrams of animals on the map I started my detour. It was an amazing experience. I had just forgotten how it felt to be in a zoo. The walk with animals and green stretch of paths brought back a sense of wild life. The animals at the zoo were exotic. I had never imagined that animal's like- camels with wild fur, oxen with long horns, frogs of unimaginable colored skins, a peculiar pelican variety of bird, etc. even existed! The more I walked in the zoo the more I realized how oblivious I was to the nature's beauty. I felt happy and sad at the same time. Happy for being able to see such beautiful animals and appreciate the nature's marvel and Sad for being so engulfed with the pettiness of my existence that I fail to enjoy this feeling of pure joy and appreciation for the nature.

That day walking down the paths in the zoo, I probably realized for the first time how my life is a zoo of my caged freedom. How I deny myself the simple joy of being free, of being able to appreciate the diversity of nature, of being joyous in contentment. And all this is sacrificed for the mere sake of existing in terms of the pre defined stereotypes of the caged society model.

I guess there is a much bigger zoo out there in us, in all of us! The zoo of our pre-conceived notions, morals, ethics, stereotypes, cultural stigmas, etc., the list is never ending. And probably this zoo is much diverse and horrifying than the beautiful one that we see with animals.

The only question is if there is enough strength in us to break this prison of existence to explore a side that is never unraveled and mystique or, do we continue to enjoy this caged contentment of a stable existence.

I believe this question has always been subjective….and so would be the answer!

Friday 10 April 2009

Swiss Spring

It comes April in Switzerland and the weather changes dramatically. There are times when there is rain, snow and sun all in the same day. Probably that is why they have a saying in Swiss, which means:

April is the mightiest and it always does what it wants! 

But come April and the Swiss holiday spirit for Easter takes over and the harsh winters slowly recede. The people who are used to walking on street with heavy jackets, mufflers, overcoats start showing some skin. It is really nice to see people walk in t-shirts, joggers, shirts on street and in fact it is the first time you really realize how beautiful the Swiss girls are. Though most of them could be seen smoking cigarettes, with bizarre hairs and piercings but still one cannot fail to admire their beauty.

The spirit of spring infuses, the moment you step out on streets. Smiling faces of people, the warm tender Sun and the beautiful greenery, all of them just completely grow on you. The natural beauty is probably the best feature of Switzerland. There are trees which have flowers just for a week, the flowers that are blooming red, pink, magenta, yellow, orange, green etc. It's fascinating to see how blessed is Switzerland with colors and natural beauty. And then there is this moist cold touch of wind in this sunny weather that makes you swoon with delight, comfort and enthusiasm. It is natural to be happy and joyous in this weather. The most remarkable thing is that this finally gives a sense of coherence to the monotony of the harsh winter life. The sense is of relief, comfort, happiness and content. 

You would enjoy the smell of foods stuffed in supermarkets, sweet wines and the feeling of festivity surrounding Easter holidays. The celebration is universal because it just not celebrates Easter, it celebrates life. It celebrates a change that is for good, a change for existence and a change that brings new hope, joy and happiness of being alive.