Thursday 22 November 2007

Life at a price!

I always enjoyed the cool summer nights.

The touch of its soft breeze felt like a passionate kiss....The warmth of its simmering moonlight like a rekindled log fire.Its a feeling of an austerious solitude......gratifying the sole with a deep contentious happiness.

A feeling beyond the comprehensive domain of expression.

I still feel nostalgic about those summer nights in my childhood.We used to sleep at the roof top with stars glittering above ...with the incessant chanting and giggling of my was so much fun then.

Life was so simple,content and innocent then.

Things have really changed now...Sensitivity is not a virtue now...its a curse.

Now the summer nights don't signify the same happiness and joy. Now lieng on a roof top with the sky above is not reality...having a true companionship is a mirage.In search of hollow success,money and social acceptability, the simple joy of living has invariably lost.

Frustation for career,growth and power has increased. Search for materialistic pleasures and desires have grown..But the feeling of mutual love and compasion has decreased...The value of time in terms of money and investment has increased... but the essence of time as such is lost.

Those summer nights...glittering stars...companionship.. all of them were priceless then...

And now... everything out there has a price.

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Critical choice....

I was always told as a kid... that we are made by the choices we make. And that these choices are what determine our lives and existence.

But even as a kid I was confused if this really was the facet of the truth. The choices we make are made either by the heart or, by the mind. And what I feel is more critical is , to decide which to listen to rather than the choices we make.

Sometimes the end to means become more important than the means themself. The choice we made could be the best to make ... but it still may not be the right one , just because the means to it could be the wrong one.

Sometimes giving up a lucrative offer just for the sake of a loved one could be ridiculous from some one's perception and priceless from someone else's .Thus the choices we make are relative to individual perceptions.

At the end what matters is the essence of the choice and its end to means , because choices would always be individualistic but the beauty of it would always lie in the process of its realization.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Expressions redefined...

Last week I found a card within my books... it was a hand made card with a heart shape cut at the center. I opened it and just beneath the heart shaped cutting was written in a beautiful handwriting ... in bold letters... "I Love You " .

I smiled and felt an emotion that was beyond the measureable domains of language and expression.

The card was simple... nothing expensive or, classy about it. And the expression that it spoke about wasn't something that I had never heard of before... but it was precious because it made me realize that I was special and cared.

That day I learned a lesson... how small things and moments can add value and give an essence to your life. You don't need to have materialistic assets to have happiness ... because love can even make a smile more priceless than a thousand diamonds.

My niece through that card taught me... how I should value those who have been with me through thick and thin. The need to let my loved ones know.. how much I love them and how precious they are to me.

Its often that we express our displeasure , but how often do we even hold on for a second to express our love for the people for whom we care. Its not that we don't love them but we just think that the expression for our love for them is oblivious.

To love is precious... but to keep expressing that love is priceless.

So try saying to all those who are your world ... how special they are to you and how much you value them. And believe me the happiness that they will feel through it would reflect in your love for them.... and your life will shine with the luminosity of your mutual love and compassion.

Traffic Sense

The one thing that bugs everyone alike , no matter what age they may be , is waiting in a traffic jam. I have always been amazed seeing how impatient and insensitive we become to the other people on the road once we get behind the wheels. I guess one of the major frustrations of the life in a metro is due to this impatience and insensitivity.

How often do we pull over to allow a pedestrian to cross the road ??
or, How often do we smile when a fellow vehicle honks and cuts through the space to rush ??

Never.. right ??

Its not the fast paced hectic life or, congestion on the road that is to be blamed for these situations.. it is more due to our behavioural oblivion.

Its not something which can be changed overnight. But yes, its something which is definitely worth an effort.

Time is not a commodity that needs to be exploited at every moment to make sure that we snatch every bit of it for some investments or, gains.Its more about moments to live and treasure.Its worth slowing down a bit to live what you have and observe how sometimes going slow makes you reach your destination much faster.

So next time when we get stuck in a traffic jam , lets try to give the fellow person a chance to pass if its his lane to move. And believe me his smile would be a better thing to receive for that than few seconds of your saved time in the bargain.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Just wish I was born normal....

I have always been amazed and distressed seeing how oblivious are people to other's misery and sufferings. Its not that I fall into exceptions but I am not able to come to terms with this sick human psycology....

I share a feeling probably what many would be sharing.. but I guess nobody knows if its worth expressing.because... its not against an individual, a society or, a system... its against the self..

and.. trust me the reflection is real ugly.

Just to re-assert what I am saying is true... I will narrate an incident to you.Its not the incident thats important.. because the plot can be different for different people in their life.. but the central idea justifies the blog.

I used to have a friend in my school days... a pretty girl, she died with her family in a tragic road accident. I didn't knew her that well then.. but I felt sad and real depressed.A few of my friends even went to her cremation and sympathesized with the family.

Two days later we had a farewell in our school. But I wasn't able to get myself to prepare for a funfilled evening. And I skipped the evening. Even today my friends ask me why I missed the farewell. I don't know why !!!They say it was so much fun... the pictures too reflect the joy and happiness they felt that evening... But all I can recall with my school farewell even today is the death of my friend.

The pictures of my friends smiling,holding hands, posing with teachers... didn't make me feel joyous.. even today I feel the gloom of her death and sorrow in that happiness.
What makes feel distressed is not the fact that everyone was having a good time but.. the fact that how frugal our lives are to us and to those around.

I guess a lot many people feel like me... but they are in terms with this frugality of human life and can move on seeing things, sympathesizing at times.. and then gearing up for new facets, venues and moments to live.

May be I am too emotional and sensitive to forget things in a flash.. but then Its not what I chose.Its what I am.. and will always be.... even when it leads to more sufferings.. and sorrow.