Thursday 22 November 2007

Life at a price!

I always enjoyed the cool summer nights.

The touch of its soft breeze felt like a passionate kiss....The warmth of its simmering moonlight like a rekindled log fire.Its a feeling of an austerious solitude......gratifying the sole with a deep contentious happiness.

A feeling beyond the comprehensive domain of expression.

I still feel nostalgic about those summer nights in my childhood.We used to sleep at the roof top with stars glittering above ...with the incessant chanting and giggling of my was so much fun then.

Life was so simple,content and innocent then.

Things have really changed now...Sensitivity is not a virtue now...its a curse.

Now the summer nights don't signify the same happiness and joy. Now lieng on a roof top with the sky above is not reality...having a true companionship is a mirage.In search of hollow success,money and social acceptability, the simple joy of living has invariably lost.

Frustation for career,growth and power has increased. Search for materialistic pleasures and desires have grown..But the feeling of mutual love and compasion has decreased...The value of time in terms of money and investment has increased... but the essence of time as such is lost.

Those summer nights...glittering stars...companionship.. all of them were priceless then...

And now... everything out there has a price.

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