Saturday 1 March 2008

I love you...

Love is pious...Love is wonderful...Love speaks its own language..its magical..infact, Love is life.

Is this what you believed till now ???

Wake up call, guys and gals...welcome to 21st century !!!!

There is nothing called as LOVE anymore...its all a delusion..nothing but a mirage..

Its love is no more pious,sweet,wonderful or,in itself life.Its just a mutual, need based demand and supply requirement for living together.All love is now, is a lucrative prospect of a stable and secured life.

It doesn't matter, if you intensely love someone...even if all you do, is think about him or,her.It doesn't matter, if that person is all you value...or even, if you find everything about him or,her cute.It doesn't matter, if you simply adore him or,her...even if the only reason, that you want to live, is to just to see him or,her smile.

It really doesn't matters....

What really matters is....

how good are you placed in your career and life...??how much money do you have...??do you have a car and a house of your own...???Are you of the right age...??how much socially acceptable you are...???does your families know each other...???would your parents approve of this arrangement...???

Does it sounds,ridiculous?? NO na,exactly..that's why we call this thought process as practical and rational !!!!

And I am sorry my friend if you think otherwise...because then you are nothing but an emotional fool.

Life moves on...and so should you.

And if you can't...then sit ,cry and brood (that too alone, because you would be abandoned and banished !!) .In this life of rationality and materialism the only thing that comes cheap are tears....and believe me even in this age, they still taste sour and salty...

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