Thursday 12 March 2009

Victim is always guilty!

That's a funny phrase....because it should always be the other way round...but no it's not! ;-)

It's definetly true and I had to go through an experiance to understand how valid this is. It was a small issue of a negligence on my part to land up into a big problem. It could had been avoided if the others involved in this would have been a little concerned and supportive. But they didn't do their part of the duty and in the end I was the one who ended up bruised and mutilated.

The post mortem was scheduled after the problem was re-solved. The stage was set for the trial. The jury, solicitor, bench, witnesses, etc. all assembled for the great trial.

The case was build up by the solicitor with a great poise and precision. The witnesses as usual sided with the powerful and the mightier. The words were twisted...taught and rendered to suit the pre-staged drama.

And then..the victim was asked for an explaination. That's the only ethical conduct in a trial ;-)
The victim put forward a plea. Stating that he did accept his crime but he is not solely responsible for it. He has been framed into it. He has suffered, bled and lost so much because of it. It's not intentional...It's not delibrate... and It's not at all logical!

And finaly the verdict was announced by the Judge...

'Victim is guilty!'

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