Monday 4 May 2009


The moment you fear, you are no body. It is fear that is the greatest cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of all superstition. It is fear that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness that brings heaven in a moment.

                                                                                                                                                                    -Swami Vivekanand

If you read the famous lines above, it could probably make you feel that fear is an ultimate vice. But I would not agree with that completely.

Fear is definitely a vice but only so long so forth it's not channeled towards its end.

In simpler words, it is only human to fear. It is a very part of our existence and drives us all through our life. It is the fear of loosing a living that makes us work, it is the fear of being punished and shunned that makes us follow a predefined social code of conduct, it is the fear of being alone that makes us make friends, etc… etc. The more you think on this the more you would realize that eventually fear is the biggest motivator of the actions in our life.

What eventually distinguishes people is how well they are able to battle this fear to win over their aspirations. If the fear to earn a living makes one work, the one who succeeds is the one who finds out a way to reduce this fear by doing something that makes this fear obsolete. These people are the people we refer to as 'stinking rich'!

I do agree with Swami Vivekanand, that fear is a cause of our woes but then it is also a catalyst for our growth. The moment one stops fearing he becomes immortal. And that's just the end of evolution. But being human is about evolving every moment. It is about trying, succeeding, failing and trying again. And in the end it is the fear of failing that eventually makes one succeed.

So I would say, do not fear to fear. It is only natural to do so. But every time you fear, just do not fear to look out for the ways to reduce that fear.

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